A Closer Look at Gross Margin

A Closer Look at Gross Margin

A Closer Look at Gross Margin is more than an introduction, it's a soup to nuts explanation of why gross margin is a critical operational parameter in business. With this course, investors will learn how to use it and some important pitfalls in its application. It highlights why gross margin is helpful in understanding the quality of an investment and how to interpret it. A Close Look At Gross Margin also explains how some companies have understood its importance to investors, how they game the system, and the signs investors should look for.This course is an essential building block for any analyst or investor who is interested in assessing business quality—that’s everyone.

The benefits of this course:

  Understand the significance of gross margin in assessing business quality

  Tools and techniques to analyse gross margin

✓  When to use gross margin analysis and when not to

  Understand how companies can manipulate gross margin and how to check

✓  Add gross margin analysis to your analytical armory