Mind the GAAP

Mind the GAAP

Mind the GAAP is the ultimate course that will help you avoid losses. It explains why non-GAAP is such a danger to investors and why there is a risk of an imminent wave of a massive destruction of shareholder value in the United States. The situation is similar to 1999, and in the following four years, nearly half a trillion dollars of shareholder wealth was destroyed in 6 huge company failures. This cycle will be no different. The use of earnings management is extremely high, and Mind the GAAP explains how investors can mitigate their risks by closely monitoring non-GAAP adjustments. The course has several modules, each of which explores a different facet of the issue.

  Understand this critical investment issue and avoid losses by investing in the wrong comp

✓  Download spreadsheets with company data to work through

✓  Improve your knowledge of accounting techniques

✓  Screens of offending companies allow you to check your own portfolio

✓  Lots of additional reading to help you explore further