Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF is a core holding of many long-term portfolios, and can also be used as an efficient tool for overweighting ex-U.S. developed markets. Like most international ETFs, VEA is heavy on exposure to large caps, introducing potential sector biases and following a passively managed full-replication approach. The Fund weights holdings by market capitalization, an approach that benefits investors by capturing the market’s consensus opinion of each stock’s value while mitigating turnover. VEA is also a low-fee fund that provides a convenient way to match the performance of a diversified group of stocks of large-, mid-, and small-cap companies located in Canada and the major markets of Europe and the Pacific Region.
Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index of FTSE Developed All Cap ex US index.
It also offers exposure to developed markets outside of North America, including Western Europe, Japan, and Australia.
The Fund attempts to replicate the target index by investing all, or substantially all, of its assets in the stocks that make up the index, holding each stock in approximately the same proportion as its weighting in the index.
VEA Market Allocation (As of Feb. 28, 2021)
Japan 22.4%
United Kingdom 12.8%
Canada 8.5%
France 8.2%
Germany 7.5%
Switzerland 7.2%
Australia 6.5%
Korea 5.6%
Netherlands 3.4%
Sweden 3.2%
Hong Kong 3.0%
Italy 2.1%
Spain 2.0%
Denmark 1.9%
Finland 1.1%
Singapore 1.0%
Belgium 0.9%
Norway 0.7%
Israel 0.5%
New Zealand 0.3%
Austria 0.3%
Ireland 0.2%
Poland 0.3%
Portugal 0.2%
Other 0.2%