
Alger is a recognized pioneer of growth-style investment management. Fred Alger launched the firm in 1964 with a research-intensive strategy that would eventually be known as growth investing. The firm aims to identify companies with a strong growth potential, investing in companies that are expected to deliver significant capital appreciation over the long term. Alger remains independent and privately-held managing assets for clients that include both institutional and individual investors.


  • Large Cap.

Invests in growth equity securities identified through fundamental research as demonstrating promising growth potential. Seeks long-term capital appreciation.

  • Mid Cap.

 Invests in a focused portfolio within mid cap companies identified through fundamental research as demonstrating promising growth potential. Seeks long-term capital appreciation.

  • Small/Mid Cap. 

Invests in a focused portfolio of primarily small and mid cap companies having attractive growth and quality characteristics. Seeks long-term capital appreciation.

  • International. 

Invests in a focused portfolio of emerging markets based on earnings, quality, and valuation. Seeks long-term capital appreciation.

  • Alternatives. 

A long/short equity strategy seeking long-term capital appreciation and lower volatility by primarily investing in long and short positions in equity securities.

  • Specialty. 

Invests in equity and fixed income securities of companies demonstrating promising growth potential. Seeks current income and long-term capital appreciation.