Real-Time Alerts

Real-Time Alerts

Real-Time Alerts features buy, sell, short or cover stock and ETF signals emailed to you directly by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. Each stock and ETF signal is backed by McCullough’s quantitative risk range model and is hand-selected from among the best qualitative ideas of the firm’s 40+ bottom-up Equity research analyst team. This indispensable trading tool helps investors risk manage their core investing ideas.

Inside Real-Time Alerts


Our research analysts’ qualitative institutional research supports each quantitative signal and will further augment your own decision making. Most signals include critical, granular qualitative research affecting the quantitative call.


Each signal is tagged with multiple durations to assist you in assessing possible risks over multiple time horizons. (The three durations we analyze investment ideas over are Trade, Trend and Tail. These are defined as follows: "Trade" is a duration of 3 weeks or less; "Trend" is a duration of 3 months or more, and "Tail" is a duration of 3 years or less)


A private broadcast (only available to subscribers) where Keith offers detailed insight into why he’s making the calls he’s making and answers questions during live Q&A. Subscribers get an email with a link to the online broadcast in advance. If you’re unable to watch it live, you can always tune in to the replay.

Bottom line: If you're an active trader, Real-Time Alerts is a must-have signaling tool to help guide your decision-making.