Margin of Safety Investing

Margin of Safety Investing

The Margin of Safety Investing is an all-in-one investing service designed to allow you to be your own investment advisor. It is built on the premise that every investment you make should have a margin of safety built-in. This is especially true in what could be a very volatile 2020s. It introduces the institutional 4-step investment process of analyzing top-down secular trends, bottom-up fundamentals, government and central bank policy, and technical price trends. This premium service also offers several model portfolios updated quarterly to guide you in building and protecting your financial freedom.


 2 Weekly Webinars to help with understanding and implementing your investment strategy—saved to Youtube for convenient viewing.

 Regular access to Kirk Spano and other investors in an active chatroom.

A robust "getting started" set of articles and guidelines.

 The extremely popular "Very Short Lists" watchlists complete with "bottom-fishing" prices and links to charts with buy zones.

 Plug & Portfolios:

 Add an option selling overlay to any portfolio with new ideas every week.

 Periodic special reports