Vanguard Value ETF

Vanguard Value ETF

Founding Date
Parent Entity

Vanguard Value ETF, an ETF incorporated in the United States, is one of the cheapest large-value funds available with a low-turnover strategy that accurately represents the opportunity available set by its peers. It tracks the performance of the CRSP US Large Cap Value Index, which measures the investment return of large-capitalization value stocks. This Fund invests all of its assets in the stocks that make up the index and follows a full, passively-managed replication approach that provides a convenient way to match the performance of many of the nation’s largest value stocks. Investors could utilize VTV as a significant portion of their portfolio for its solid level of diversification and rock-bottom price.

  • VTV is linked to the MSCI US Prime Market Value Index, which offers exposure to large-cap companies that exhibit Value characteristics within the U.S. equity Market.

  • The Fund is linked to roughly 400 holdings, and exposure is tilted most heavily towards financials, energy, and industrials.

  • Companies within this segment are often considered some of the safest firms in the world and tend to be in more stable industries as well, potentially skewing some portfolios that are heavy in value securities.

VTV Top 10 Holdings (As of Feb. 28, 2021)

  • JPMorgan Chase & Co.                     JPM             3.00%

  • Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Cl B             BRK.B             2.96%

  • Johnson & Johnson                     JNJ             2.79%

  • Walt Disney Co.                             DIS             2.29%

  • UnitedHealth Group Inc.                     UNH             2.11%

  • Procter & Gamble Co.                     PG             2.05%

  • Bank of America Corp.                     BAC             1.81%

  • Intel Corp.                                     INTC             1.67%

  • Comcast Corp. Cl A                     CMCSA     1.61%

  • Exxon Mobil Corp.                             XOM             1.54%