Trust Matters

Trust Matters

Full Name
Trust Matters: For Organisational and Personal Success

Trust is seemingly in decline in contemporary society, yet its significance and value are undiminished. Numerous scandals afflicting business and politics, the growth of spin, and a loss of faith in leaders as people with strong values have all eroded levels of trust. As trust becomes a scarcer commodity, those people and organizations that possess it have a distinct advantage. This book is about trust: what can be achieved when it's present, what can happen when it's not and how to develop it.

Praise for Trust Matters

"A stimulating read if you believe that trust is an essential ingredient in making organizations tick. If you do not, this is essential reading!"

Martin McCourt, Chief Executive Officer, Dyson

"Trust is the fabric that all customer and business relationships are built upon and yet it is so often ignored. You can't build loyalty without trust and companies increasingly need to focus their people and resources on building customer trust. There is no time to waste. You need to read this book now."

Jeremy Dale, Vice President, Brand Marketing, Orange

"This is an engaging and very well written book that tackles an important and neglected business topic. The authors are thoughtful and wide-ranging in their approach to Trust which they see as a central feature of business success. The book not only unpacks the subtle and complex concept of trust but describes how it is so easily lost in organizations."

Professor Adrian Furnham, Department of Psychology, University College London

"In today's world, trust is a scarce resource and like anything that is in short supply, its value has rocketed in importance. Everyone should know whether they are building trust or destroying it - and this book provides the blueprint for those looking to create and sustain trust for themselves and the organizations where they work."

Chris Genasi, Chief Executive, Eloqui Public Relations

"This is a serious account of how trust lies at the heart of the business and personal success and how it can be built, broken, and painstakingly rebuilt."

Alison Maitland, Financial Times

"This timely book on the art of creating, building, and maintaining trust carries powerful messages for any organization that values its customer relationships and should be an essential read for all marketers."

John Ling, Chartered Institute of Marketing Magazine