Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University

Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University


Financial Peace University is designed to teach families how to get out of debt, stay out of debt, and build wealth. With this money management system, you will learn how to put together a spending plan that really works. This book provides step-by-step instructions on how to get out of debt. Learn how to set up a security fund and confidently invest in the future with Financial Peace University.

  • This author encourages you to stop living with guilt, frustrations and headaches that come with trying to manage your personal finances.

  • With practical and easy to follow methods and personal anecdotes, it provides a road map to personal control, financial security, and a lifetime of peace.

Ramsey teaches readers:

  1. How to get out of debt and stay out

  2. The KISS rule of investing—"Keep It Simple, Stupid"

  3. How to use the principle of contentment to guide financial decision making

  4. How the flow of money can revolutionize relationships