Money Academy for Couples

Money Academy for Couples


Money Academy for Couples offers you a way to save your money and your relationship for less than you spent on your last meal out. By going through the book and doing the simple exercises, you'll be able to clarify your financial goals and values so you stay on track and find common ground. You will learn to dollarize your behavior to make sure you're spending time wisely. Ultimately, with Money Academy for Couples, you will learn how to stop creating more debt and create a budget mentality.

  • Money Academy for Couples provides a practical approach with lots of exercises and discussions  to have with your spouse, and concrete steps to follow to start moving forward financially.

  • It includes everything from talking about money with your partner to setting joint and individual goals and laying out a plan to achieve those goals.

  • This book also includes the steps to get out of debt and save for your future.

By going through the book and doing the simple exercises, you'll:

  1. Have mutual commitment to work these problems out. 

  2. Clarify your financial goals and values so you stay on track. 

  3. Find common ground. 

  4. "Dollarize" your behavior to make sure you're spending time wisely. 

  5. Track your spending in less than 5 minutes a month. 

  6. Stop creating more debt

  7. Learn how to get out of debt fast. 

  8. Create a "budget mentality". 

  9. Learn how to prioritize so you can stop all the arguing. 

  10. Understand how financial advisers work so you don't let them work you over.