Smart Money Smart Kids

Smart Money Smart Kids

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Smart Money Smart Kids: Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money

Smart Money Smart Kids equips parents to teach their children how to win with money. Starting with the basics like working, spending, saving, and giving, and moving into more challenging issues like avoiding debt for life, paying cash for college, and battling discontentment, this presents a no-nonsense, common-sense approach for changing your family tree. Filled with actionable tips from both Dave and Rachel, this book is a gift for parents looking for advice on raising money-smart kids.

  • In this book, they discussed the importance of good family communication, and they shared personal stories about finding faith, living on a budget and loving to give.

  • Smart Money, Smart Kids provides practical strategies to raise smart-Money kids in this debt-crazed world.

  • Topics include the value of work and earning a commission (not allowance), budgets and spending, saving, giving, consequences of debt (from credit card to college loan), contentment, and a range of family situations-from adoption, single parenting, blended families, private vs. public school choices to estate planning.

It offers common-sense ways to teach these money lessons:

  1. Where money comes from

  2. The value of hard work

  3. How to save, spend, and give

  4. Debt, and how to avoid it

  5. Paying cash for college

  6. Living responsibly

Table of Contents


  • Chapter 1. I Was That Little Girl...

  • Chapter 2. Work: It's NOT a Four-Letter Word

  • Chapter 3. Spend: When It's Gone, It's Gone

  • Chapter 4. Save: Wait For It

  • Chapter 5. Give: It's Not Yours Anyway

  • Chapter 6. Budgeting: Tell It What to Do

  • Chapter 7. Debt: It IS a Four-Letter Word

  • Chapter 8. College: Don't Graduate from I.O.U. 

  • Chapter 9. Contentment: The War for Your Child's Heart

  • Chapter 10. Family: Put the FUN in Dysfunctional

  • Chapter 11. Generational Handoff: Blessings or Curses 

  • Chapter 12. I Was That Dad…


Student Budget and Upcoming Expenses