How To Invest in Debt

How To Invest in Debt

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How To Invest in Debt: A Complete Guide to Alternative Opportunities

While there are many books on alternative investment ideas, none provide this level of practical information and advice. How To Invest in Debt provides everything readers need to capitalize on these investments. Readers will discover how to find and purchase debt at a deep discount, how to do effective due diligence and pick the ones that are most likely to pay off, how to collect debt, and the secrets to making short-term high interest loans, and everything in between. With dozens of charts, tables, forms, spreadsheets, and diagrams, this book will empower the readers to start in the right way with all the tools they will need to pursue profitable opportunities.

"Mike Pellegrino has been a leading tax lien attorney for many years, and he's been my go-to person for tax lien foreclosures in New Jersey. Now with this book, Mike has provided a clear and concise introduction to tax lien investing as well as other types of debt investments. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in alternative investments."

Joanne Musa,

"An excellent manual on investing in debt. Mike clearly explains the pros and cons of these 'well-kept secrets.' I wish this book had been available for myself and my clients years ago. Each chapter provides a complete and clear instruction to relatively unknown ways to acquire distressed assets and below-market cost."

Art Matuschat,,

"This book is required reading for anyone who wants to get started investing in debt. The chapters on buying notes provide a clear nuts-and-bolts guide to buying defaulted and performing notes."

W. Eddie Speed, founder, president, Colonial Funding Group, LLC

"Peer-to-peer lending has fueled a tremendous amount of innovation in online lending. This book provides a great introduction to this fertile opportunity. Anyone interested in fintech and entrepreneurship would benefit from getting a good, clear base in it from this book."

George Alex Popescu, editor in chief,