Appaloosa Management

Appaloosa Management

Entity Type
Founding Date

Appaloosa Management is a hedge fund manager recognized for its command over distressed debt investment strategies. From its inception, the hedge fund has been focused on identifying lucrative opportunities in distressed credit across both fixed income and public equity markets. The firm uses high-risk methods, such as investing with borrowed money, to realize large capital gains. Appaloosa Management is founded by David Tepper, arguably the one of the greatest hedge fund managers of his generation.


  • Appaloosa Management has established itself as a prominent hedge fund known for its expertise in distressed debt investing and opportunistic strategies across various asset classes. 

  • The hedge fund's investment philosophy focuses on distressed debt, equities, and bonds, often taking advantage of special situations and market inefficiencies.


Appaloosa Management is well-known for its proficiency in distressed debt investing

Appaloosa also invests in equities (stocks) and bonds (both investment-grade and high-yield).

  • Special Situations. 

Invests in special situations, such as mergers and acquisitions, spin-offs, reorganizations, or other corporate events that present unique investment opportunities.

This includes diversification across asset classes, thorough research and analysis, and active monitoring of market conditions and portfolio performance.