The Money Deception

The Money Deception

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The Money Deception - What Banks & Governments Don't Want You to Know

With over 20 secret methods that banks, governments, and corporations are using to legally strip up to 90% of your income, The Money Deception provides the most sophisticated insight and shocking details about the current monetary system. Describing the massive manipulation of money caused by so much despair and income inequality, it tells facts about the myth of GDP growth and what you can do to shift your money mindset to wealth creation. This book marks one of the most significant changes in the history of money and has the potential to end the control of central banks and governments.

This book discusses:

  • Why the current monetary system stands before the abyss

  • The magic trick how banks create money out of thin air

  • The myth of GDP growth and what really causes it

  • The physiological methods by which advertisers and insurances get your money

  • Will the government soon be forced to support Universal Basic Income?

  • Why Bitcoin is not a practical investment tool and will soon vanish

  • Why crypto-currencies could free us from central banks and government regulations

  • Why a resource based economy could be the solution and make money obsolete

  • What you can do right now to shift from a money mindset into wealth creation