The Squirrel Manifesto

The Squirrel Manifesto


The Squirrel Manifesto teaches kids—and their parents—the value of spending money, saving for the future, and giving to charity. Financial habits form early. Children learn by observing a parent’s behavior and through their own experiences. That’s why it’s important to make sure your children are treating money the right way. From allowances and birthday money to the cash they’ll one day earn babysitting or mowing lawns, The Squirrel Manifesto provides a platform to set your children on the path to a lifetime of fiscal responsibility.

  • From acclaimed and award-winning financial adviser Ric Edelman authored a children's book aimed at blending good-sense personal finance habits.

  • The book encourages kids to regularly stash portions of the money they receive throughout the year into savings, much like the book's titular squirred rations.

  • From handling allowances and birthday money to the cash they’ll earn babysitting or mowing lawns, The Squirrel Manifesto helps children learn the opportunities—and obligations—that money provides.