Katharina Pistor is a leading scholar and writer of corporate governance, money and finance, property rights, and comparative law and legal institutions. Pistor is the Edwin B. Parker Professor of Comparative Law at Columbia Law School and Director of the Law School’s Center on Global Legal Transformation, where she directs the center's work to develop research projects and organize conferences. She is also a prominent commentator on cryptocurrencies and has written papers dealing with the issues of digital statehood and monetary sovereignty. Prior to joining Columbia in 2001, Pistor held teaching and research positions at Harvard Law School, the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government and the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Law in Hamburg. She has published widely in legal and interdisciplinary journals, and has testified before the Congress about the lack of regulatory oversight of proposed international cryptocurrencies. She has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Institutional Economics, European Business Organization Law Review, American Journal of Comparative Law, and Columbia Journal for European Law.
Katharina Pistor Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Pistor remains an active contributor to CGT's research projects and "Global Think-ins", a signature term she conceived.
Most recently, she deadlined a CGT Global Think-In in her recent book The Code of Capital.
She is now leading a new CGT Signature Research project “A World Indebted”, which takes a close look at debt dependencies and interdependencies.
A World Indebted studies how they shape economic inequality and political tensions within, and between, countries.
President, World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research
Board of Supervisors, Italian Academy, Columbia University
Research Associate, Center of Economic Policy Research - London
Fellow, European Corporate Governance Institute
Board of Advisors, Bucerius Law School at Hamburg
Fellow, NASDAQ Program Program in the Law and Economics of Capital Markets
Research Associate, European Corporate Governance Institute
2012 Max Planck Research Award on International Financial Regulation, Max Planck Society
2003 Hessel Yntema Prize for Young Scholars in Comparative Law
1988 - 1989 German Academic Exchange Service, London University