

Full Name
Enough: True Measures of Money, Business, and Life

During his exemplary career, Vanguard founder John Bogle has helped investors establish wealth the right way and directed a tireless campaign to rebuild common sense to the investment world. Along the route, Bogle has witnessed how destructive an obsession with financial success can be. Page by page, Bogle mindfully considers what "enough" truly means as it relates to life, money, and business.

"Jack Bogle's passionate cry of Enough. contains a thought-provoking litany of life lessons regarding our individual roles in commerce and society. Rarely do so few pages provoke so much thought. Read this book."

— DAVID F. SWENSEN, Chief Investment Officer, Yale University

"What went wrong? What can, and should, go right? The great Jack Bogle has the answers. Enough. will leave you hungry for more."

— JAMES GRANT, Editor of Grant's Interest Rate Observer

"Enough. gives new meaning to the words 'commitment,' 'accountability,' and 'stewardship.' Bogle writes with clarity and passion. Must reading for millions of U.S. investors."

— ARTHUR LEVITT, former chairman, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

"Jack Bogle, 'the conscience of Wall Street,' distills his half-century of observations into a few hundred entertaining pages—required reading for those concerned about their own future, their family's future, and the nation's future."

— William J. Bernstein, Author of A Splendid Exchange and The Four Pillars of Investing

"One Jack Bogle has more horse sense than the entire Wall Street herd. When you read the first paragraph you'll be hooked, as I was. This small book pays huge dividends."

— ALAN S. BLINDER, Co-Director, Princeton University Center for Economic Policy Studies, and former vice chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

"This book weaves together terms like trust, value, success, satisfaction, stewardship, character, and contribution into a life tapestry that reminds experienced readers how they can master the treadmill of their lives and guides young readers in how to control their destiny."

— PROFESSOR JEFFREY SONNENFELD, Senior Associate Dean, Yale School of Management

"If your eyes glaze over when you see the word "economics," or if your eyelids droop when you hear the word "theology," don't fear. Doug Hicks integrates economics and theology with such clarity and accessibility that you'll see both in a new light: as vital resources to help us care for our global household with love and wisdom."

— Brian McLaren, author of A New Kind of Christian and A Generous Orthodoxy

"How should people of faith live in a world that extols consumption, erases work/life boundaries, and worships the market? Religious institutions have largely provided two unsatisfying alternatives: embrace some sort of prosperity gospel or retreat into an ascetic lifestyle. In this fantastically insightful and important book, Doug Hicks charts another way. It is the ideal guide for our times."

Amy Sullivan, senior editor at TIME magazine and author of The Party Faithful

"Jesus spoke frequently about money and the faithful use of possessions yet the contemporary pulpit is strangely silent when it comes to money matters. In this book Doug Hicks breaks that silence, harnessing his insights into both theology and economics. The genius of this book is in the questions Hicks raises. They are deep, penetrating, and practical questions. Yet they are refreshingly open-ended, presupposing neither easy answers nor any single answer. They are questions intended to awaken the conscience, stretch and inform the mind and spark the spiritual and moral imagination. This practical book is a must read for clergy and laity who wish to take money-talk seriously and reclaim a theme central to the teachings of Jesus. This book and the subject it addresses is long overdue."

William G. Enright, Director of the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at The Center on Philanthropy, Indiana University.

"In a world where most discussions of money are neither practical nor wise, Doug Hicks offers here a large dose of Christian practical wisdom. His wonderful illustrations and incisive analysis deserve a wide readership, especially in churches where we have pretended that how we deal with money is irrelevant to discipleship. This is an ideal book for lay study groups concerned about living faithful Christian lives."

L. Gregory Jones, Dean of the Divinity School and Professor of Theology, Duke University