Gold, Peace, and Prosperity is a groundbreaking book explaining why sound money means a new gold standard. Written in the clearest possible terms, it explains the basics of paper money and its effects of inflation, business cycles, and government growth. This book maps out a plan to bring about a dollar that is as good as gold—one protected against manipulation by government and central bankers. Part of that strategy is the minting of a new gold dollar, but the more far-reaching plan involves a redefinition of the dollar and complete monetary competition.
Written in 1981, this monograph has been in wide distribution ever since.
Henry Hazlitt provides the foreword, and Murray Rothbard the preface.
Gold, Peace, and Prosperity is a quick read that covers the whole history of monetary destruction, providing information that most people have never heard or thought about.
Table of Contents
Foreword by Henry Hazlitt
Preface by Murray Rothbard
Impending Social Strife?
People Are Demanding an End to Inflation
Depreciation is Nothing New
"Not Worth a Continental"
The Best Medium of Exchange
Cross of Paper
How Our Money Was Ruined
The Stage is Set
Motives of the Inflationists
Is Business to Blame?
Are Banks to Blame?
Are Unions to Blame?
The Guilt of the Economists
The Alternative to Inflation
Money and the Constitution
Morality and Transfer Payments
Citizen Control of Money
Legal Tender Laws
A Historical Precedent
The End - or the Beginning
About the Author
About the Foundation