The Relaxing Retirement Formula

The Relaxing Retirement Formula

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The Relaxing Retirement Formula: For the Confidence to Liberate What You’ve Saved and Start Living the Life You’ve Earned

The Relaxing Retirement Formula guides you on your retirement years. To this transition, as doubt and fear begin to sink in, people often wonder whether they have saved enough, how much they can afford to spend, and how they can make their Retirement Bucket last. The Retirement Coach, Jack Phelps, says it’s natural to approach retirement with anxiety and questions, and in his new book, he gives you the simple formula for answering each one with certainty and precision. The Relaxing Retirement Formula is a step-by-step guide to developing and maintaining the financial confidence you need to liberate the money you’ve saved and live the life you’ve always dreamed about.

Table of Contents


Part One: Discovery

  1. Discover Where You Are

  2. Discover What You Want

  3. Discover Who Can Help

Part Two: Knowledge

  1. Know How Much is Enough

  2. Know How to Make it Last

  3. Know How Not to Give It All Away in Taxes

Part Three: Preparation

  1. Prepare for the Unpredictable

  2. Prepare to Care for Your Loved Ones After You're Gone

  3. Prepare with Confidence


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