The Financial Advisor to Building Wealth

The Financial Advisor to Building Wealth

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The Financial Advisor to Building Wealth: Pursuing Prosperity with Financial Education

In the midst of the worst financial crisis in decades, we need all the help we can get, and one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is financial education. The Financial Advisor for Building Your Wealth is the book you need to preserve and grow your wealth. Packed with practical advice towards wealth creation, it helps you recognize hidden factors that influence your financial judgment and build habits for lasting financial success. Thomas Herold has put together action-focused resources, based on shifting your mindset from money to wealth, and securing your retirement funds.

Through The Financial Advisor, you'll learn:

  1. How to recognize hidden factors that influence your financial decisions

  2. Why going against traditional financial wisdom is the best choice right now

  3. The real difference between money and wealth

  4. How to build habits for lasting financial success

  5. What is really going on in the economy and markets

  6. What caused the current crisis and where it's going to lead

  7. Where the few safe havens for your wealth lies

  8. How you can still make money in a hugely volatile market

  9. How to move from employee to being an entrepreneur