Mark Lieb is the Founder, President, and CEO of Spectrum Asset Management, a world-leading manager of preferred and capital securities. Prior to founding Spectrum in 1987, he was a Founder, Director and Partner of DBL Preferred Management, Inc., a wholly owned corporate cash management subsidiary of Drexel Burnham Lambert. He was instrumental in the formation and development of all aspects of DBL, including the daily management of preferred stock portfolios for institutional clients, hedging strategies, and marketing strategies. Before that, he was involved in the development of the preferred stock trading desk at Moseley Hallgarten & Estabrook.
Mark Lieb Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Under his leadership, Spectrum has become one of the largest money managers in the world specializing in the preferred and capital securities market.
The firm has over more than 30 years of active management in preferred and capital securities under a variety of credit, interest rate, evolving regulatory, and market conditions.
The firm's strategies focus on high quality, global preferred and capital securities, as well as other subordinated fixed income securities that can foster income and supplement up-in-quality, down-in-capital structure investments.