DARMA Capital

DARMA Capital

Founding Date

Digital Asset Risk Management Advisors (DARMA) Capital is a global investment management firm exclusively focused on digital asset risk management and blockchain technology. DARMA Capital provides investors professionally risk-managed exposure to a specific set of blockchain assets that exhibit return potential, liquidity, regulatory compliance, and numerous other qualification requirements. The company combines comprehensive blockchain research and well defined risk controls to identify and manage digital assets ideally suited for institutional investment. DARMA seeks the highest risk-adjusted return by investing in only the most established protocol layer digital assets that comply with the highest standards of cryptocurrency regulation. The firm’s team has been at the forefront of blockchain development and has extensive experience in risk management, institutional trading and capital markets.




Investment Outline

  • The firm believes in a paradigm shift from the current centralized internet to one that is a more decentralized WEB 3.0.

  • This shift in turns moves value away from the application layer to the protocol layer.

Risk Management

  • The firm manages risk by quantitatively defining risk regimes within a structured price framework.

  • This provides objective context to identify shifts in risk states, allowing for opportunity anticipation