Alan Ellman's Selling Cash-Secured Puts

Alan Ellman's Selling Cash-Secured Puts

Full Name
Alan Ellman's Selling Cash-Secured Puts: Investing to Generate Monthly Cash Flow

Alan Ellman's Selling Cash-Secured Puts provides tools to master a conservative stock and options strategy with the goal of generating monthly cash flow and focusing on capital preservation. This book presents basic option principles that will walk you through the process of stock and option selection. Additionally, calculating profits and position management will also be critical topics addressed. In other words, every aspect of this strategy will be discussed including the necessary steps to take before, during, and after a trade is executed. Alan Ellman will not tell you what to do but rather how to do it and why.

  • Examples of real-life trade executions will be shown in conjunction with illustrative charts and graphs, and the rationale for each step behind the trade will be explained using easy-to-understand terminology.

  • Alan Ellman also covered call writing, along with materials needed to master the great strategy of selling cash-secured puts.

  • He offers knowledge on the usage of stocks and stock options to develop a low-risk, wealth-building strategy for retail investors.

  • The purpose of this book is to give the reader the tools to master a conservative stock and option strategy with the goals of generating monthly cash flow and focusing on capital preservation.

  • Alan Ellman aims to give you the education to apply basic investment principles in all situations, for your financial decision to become non-emotional and based on sound fundamental, technical and common sense principles.

Table of Contents


About This Book

  1. Introduction and Preview Example for Put Selling

  2. Option Basics

  3. Selecting the Best Stocks for Put Selling

  4. Selecting the Best Strike Price and Expiration Date for Put Selling

  5. Calculating Put Option Returns

  6. Executing Put-Selling Trades

  7. Portfolio Management

  8. Exit Strategies

  9. Exchange-Traded Funds

  10. Stock Splits and Other Corporate Actions

  11. Tax Treatment

  12. Brokerage Accounts and Commissions

  13. Compounding and The Time Value of Money

  14. The Greeks and Other Factors that Influence Put Value

  15. Comparing Covered Call Writing and Selling Cash-Secured Puts

  16. The Put-Call-Put (PCP) Strategy

Appendix I - Strategy Summary

Appendix II - Stock Example for Put-Selling: SWKS

Appendix III - ETF Example for Put-Selling: QQQ


About the Author
