Reminiscences of a Commodity Trader

Reminiscences of a Commodity Trader

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Reminiscences of a Commodity Trader: From the Diary of Jed Tanner

Reminiscences of a Commodity Trader is a fascinating personal history of a real life commodity trader, Jed Tanner. Although he wasn’t able to complete his journal, his son, Jed Tanner Jr., has done his best to continue and finish his account, despite not having the same exposure as his father. Jed Tanner has intended to complete his trading text to include the many trading experiences he has been told first-hand, through the combination of his father’s original trading history and his experiences. This book aims to share his dad’s insights into the market, exploring beyond mechanics and focusing on the mindset of a trader.

  • This account includes Jed Tanner's experience and time at the Chamber and MGEX.