Michael Lebowitz

Michael Lebowitz

Formal First Name

Michael Lebowitz is an Investment Analyst and Portfolio Manager for RIA Advisors, specializing in macroeconomic research, valuations, asset allocation, and risk management. Michael has more than 25 years of financial markets and risk management experience. Throughout his career, he has been involved in trading, portfolio construction and risk management involving some of the largest and most active portfolios in the world. In this time, he has managed $50 billion+ institutional portfolios as well as sub $1 million individual portfolios. In addition to broad institutional experience, Michael also built a successful independent RIA which allowed him to further extend his experience into the realm of investment management for individuals and family offices. He is the Founding Partner of 720 Global, a macroeconomic and strategic investment strategist serving the needs of investment managers.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • Michael’s background and experience are the product of a diverse career path that affords him a unique investment and economic perspective. 

  • Throughout his career he has been an astute follower of markets and developed a keen sense for the macro factors that drive markets and economies. 

  • He has proven expertise in trading, risk management, macroeconomic analysis and relative value analysis across many asset classes.