Disunited Nations

Disunited Nations

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Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World

Disunited Nations presents a series of counterintuitive arguments about the future of a world where trade agreements are coming apart and international institutions are losing their power. Smart, interesting, and essential reading, this book is a sure-to-be-controversial guidebook that analyzes the emerging shifts and resulting problems that will arise in the next two decades. We are entering a period of chaos, and no political or corporate leader can ignore Zeihan’s insights or his message if they want to survive and thrive in this uncertain new time.

“Zeihan integrates a wealth of information and data into lucid analyses written in accessible, boisterous prose… The result is a stimulating look into the geopolitical crystal ball.”

Publishers Weekly

Peter Zeihan has written a smart, well-crafted page-turner that lays out the compelling reasons why America’s role in the world has changed--and why that’s good news for Americans and sobering for everyone else. His vivid account of the impact of America’s good fortune for the rest of the world makes this an original and invaluable read.” 

Ian Bremmer, Eurasia Group, on The Absent Superpower

“If President Trump has but one book to read as he assumes command, it should be this one.”

— Honorable Dave McCurdy, former Member of U.S. House of Representatives; President and CEO of the American Gas Association, on The Absent Superpower

“The Absent Superpower is a must-read to understand the forces that will shape geopolitics and potentially ignite decades of global disorder. By dissecting the technological and geographic realities of energy and demography, Zeihan forecasts the conflicts and economic realignments that will follow America’s withdrawal from active global leadership.”

— Mitt Romney on The Absent Superpower

“Many believe that the American economy has some inherent advantages over its major competitors—a more flexible structure, stronger entrepreneurial traditions, and a more demographically vibrant society. Along comes a fascinating new book that says you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

Fareed Zakaria, CNN, on The Accidental Superpower