10X Project

10X Project provides the guidance to grab ten times more wealth by using the proven secrets of the ultra-rich. You will receive an encrypted laptop, pre-loaded with secrets that the ultra wealthy have used for generations. These techniques will show you how to explode your wealth 10-fold in the months and years ahead. It also provides full details on the network of specialists Ted Bauman and his team call the "10X Inner Circle"—an elite group of highly skilled, third-party experts uncovered through years of research.


The Alpha Stock Alert Quick-Start Guide:

The Quick-Start Guide is only a few pages long. That’s it. And yet it gives all the information you need to learn how you can crush the market in just a few minutes of trading each week.

Weekly Updates:

Every Monday, you’ll receive a clear, concise, easy-to-read email showing you how each of the stock positions in the model are doing that week, which gains we recommend you cash out, and what new positions you will need to open in their places

24/7 Access to the Members-Only Alpha Stock Alert Website:

You will receive a login and password to our encrypted Alpha Stock Alert website. This website will contain every single trade alert, weekly update, video and guide Ted and his team create.

Real-Time Access to the Alpha Stock Alert Model Portfolio:

This model portfolio is your wealth-building meter — it will give you a constant, up-to-date tally of how much the portfolio has grown from the day the Alpha Stock Alert system went live right up until the present moment.

Direct Support From a Dedicated Customer Service Team:

We have a dedicated, top-of-the-line customer service team here to answer any questions you may have about your subscription.

Full subscription to The Bauman Letter — every year — for the rest of your life:

The Bauman Letter is a powerful, 12-page report that Ted mails out to more than 175,000 subscribers every month. In it, he gives tons of insight on beating a market collapse, simple tricks that will make your investment profits even bigger, how to never pay U.S. taxes again and much, much more.