The Bauman Letter

The Bauman Letter


The Bauman Letter is a monthly newsletter that offers advice about preserving and securing wealth. The publication is written by experienced market analyst and investment advisor Ted Bauman and published by Banyan Hill Publishing. It provides a diversified portfolio designed to grab steady, low-risk gains and massive home run plays. It also offers an ideal strategy no matter your stage in life or investment needs.


  • 12 issues of the premium newsletter. A big-picture view of trends heating up in the world, along with an investment vehicle set to benefit from that shift.

  • Weekly updates. Updates on what's happening in the world and their portfolio, keeping you up-to-date on new opportunities to grow your wealth.

  • Trade alerts. Bauman will send you an email that will explain exactly what you need to do. You can make the trade over your phone, desktop or tablet.

  • Free access to The Bauman Letter portfolios. His three portfolios include every position that's on his "buy now" list. The portfolio will tell you what to buy, at what price to buy it and when to sell.

  • 24/7 access to exclusive, members-only websites. Whenever you wish to access your subscription materials, visit this encrypted website anytime, from anywhere.

  • A dedicated customer service team. If you ever have questions, simply give one of the team members a call or reach out online.