Day Trading for a Living Series

Day Trading for a Living Series

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Day Trading for a Living Series, Books 1-3: 5 Expert Systems to Navigate the Stock Market, Investing Psychology for Beginners, A Beginner's Guide to FOREX

Day Trade for a Living is a comprehensive guide that will equip you for a swift success from trading with confidence. With an extensive detail about trading systems and patterns, the basics to killer trading, and mastering Forex, this book helps you to thrive with ease in recognizing trend reversals, acknowledge when and where to exit the market, and maximize your gain while minimizing your losses.

 "I just finished reading through this book once. It is great for novice/newbies to learn about general principles of Day Trading and sound research strategies. All of this is to develop the best trading plan for you. based on your risk tolerance and goals.

The book is written in a way that is easy to understand. Having said that, there is so much information passed along, techniques and strategies, that I plan to go through the book a second time with a focus on things I want to zone in on, more position and swing trades. There is a significant amount of analysis presented.

In the end, just a great book to learn from. It does not promise an instant, get rich scheme, or a magic trick. Any respectable lesson would not promote those things. Instead, very sound information you can choose from."

— Lisa R. Luttrell, Toni Turner Book Review

"Good basic principles of Day Trading intermediary class. It's well narrated and the ideas are sound." 

— Azura S,

"A great little audiobook (and ebook) full of valuable tips and information. If you are interested in day trading this book may just save you grief and at such a economical price will definitely save you some money. Recommend!" 


"A good book! I have been wanting to learn more about this topic and was excited to find a book to listen to. I enjoyed this one!!"

— Natalia Martinez,

"This audiobook is very helpful for people who want to try day trading. I have listened a few times and took notes while listening."

— Jey Cee,

"All sound advice but need the ebook to follow along with. I'm a complete newbie to the whole stock market thing so I need the visual aides. If you are already familiar with trading and the terminology then you would be able to put this information to use more immediately. Anthony Pica did great at the narrative. He was very clear and precise as well as having a pleasant voice to absorb the info."

— ABR-Penelope,

"easy steps to learn about trading this book will be useful to many great listen and great advice"

— Sandra,

"A short book for beginning traders. The author suggest a handful of reasonable trading ideas to start from." 

— Piotr Karas,

"Another excellent introductory text. This series is very useful for the investor looking to go beyond 'a toe in the water' and trying to carve out something a little more substantial."

— Azura S,

"Short and to the point. Mostly a review of different types of cognitive bias."

— Vinson Turco,

"The author lists a number of cognitive biases that plague traders and to make them easy to digest presents them in the form of small case studies. Good starting point for beginning traders." 

— Piotr Karas,

"Another Quality Addition to this Series ...This is a strong introduction to Forex (foreign-exchange trading) and even though this is an area I understand quite well, I learned some new things here too. If you're thinking about trading for a living, this seems like a sound investment at a few bucks... it'll give you a manageable taste of what to expect. I thoroughly recommend it."

— Azura S,

"Introductory information for beginning FX traders, well organized but very basic." 

— Piotr Karas,

"Good information and easy to follow. This Series of Day Trading books provides some fairly easy to follow methods and good general information."

— Al Larson,