The Insider Alert

The Insider Alert

Having firsthand knowledge of corporate moves can be the key to financial freedom—knowing if a company was about to win a takeover bid; when a company was about to launch a new, income-generating product; which way their earnings were headed. Can you imagine the endless possibilities if only you have the advantages of a true corporate insider? Well, think about the money you could make with that kind of information. The Insider Alert gives all the benefits and potential gains of an insider, legally and safely. This weekly service provides all the easy steps you need to take to position yourself for massive profits.


One to three NEW trade recommendations every month, all triggered by insider buying. Alex will walk you through a complete analysis of the situation, as well as the easy steps you need to take to position yourself for massive profits. You can even sign up for text alerts so you’ll be the first to know about new opportunities.

Your special report, “Three ‘Perfect Trades’ to Hand You $4,200 in Eight Days,” containing three trades to get you started as soon as you join

A discreet, secure 32-gigabyte USB drive you can use to store any of your sensitive information.

“The Perfect Traders Handbook,” available ONLY on your USB device, filled with in-depth secrets on how to profit from the insiders who have never lost on a Traders

JUST-ADDED BONUS: A hardcover copy of Alexander Green’s best-selling book The Gone Fishin’ Portfolio, revealing the easiest, lowest-stress way to accumulate a retirement fortune (hint: it will only take you 10 minutes per YEAR)

Another special report, “Alexander Green’s Definitive Guide to Legally Profiting From Insiders

Urgent profit-taking alerts, where Alex will tell you exactly what to sell for exactly what kind of gain – no guessing games

Weekly model portfolio updates, so you’ll never be in the dark about any of your positions

And an elite Member Services Team, specially trained to answer any questions you have about your Membership.