Adam Collins

Adam Collins

Formal First Name

Adam Collins is the Founder and Portfolio Manager of Movement Capital, a flat-fee investment advisor headquartered in Ridgeland, Mississippi. In addition to his main business, he also offers various online resources for traders. His websites make it easy to visualize a certain type of data. He currently covers positioning, seasonality, and a bunch of S&P indicators—all for free. There are a plethora of inferior paid services for retail traders—heavy on noise and low on signal. Collins is seeking to address this void.

Professional Experience

Academic History

Collins' advice to someone starting in trading today:

  • Start small, embrace the journey and identify your specialty.
  • Enjoy the struggle.
  • Evolving and growing as a trader never stops.
  • Don't think that you have to pay thousands of dollars to learn how to trade a certain way.
  • Do experiment with different styles to see what you have an affinity for.
  • Once you identify that style, solely focus on it for a while.
  • Don't think you have to trade like everybody else.
  • Explore less common markets.
  • Being emotionally balanced is crucial.
  • If you have a crappy diet, don’t exercise, or have unresolved personal issues, you’re not going to do anything well, let alone trade well.
  • Get your life in order first so that you’ve got a strong foundation to succeed in trading.