A Strategy for Daily Living

A Strategy for Daily Living

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A Strategy for Daily Living: The Classic Guide to Success and Fulfillment

A Strategy for Daily Living provides a pragmatic compass for life. Full of practical insights and inspirational perspectives, this book will help you find the way to your spiritual and creative potential in the midst of crises, challenges, and pressures of daily life. It will help you to overcome adversity, maximize your performance, and tap into the power of your love to improve relationships at home, on the job, and in the world at large.

  • A Strategy for Daily Living is written by Ari Kiev, M.D., a world-renowned psychiatrist and peak performance trading coach whose books and lectures have helped thousands to improve their trading and investing results.

  • It contains tactics that may help to overcome feelings of inadequacy, break bad habits, improve relationships, discover hidden talents and maximise personal performance.

Ari Kiev's strategies for daily living are based on:

  1. A Worthy Purpose

  2. Your Hidden Potential

  3. Goal Selection

  4. Step-by-step planning

  5. Modification of behavior

  6. Self-Reliance and Wealth

  7. Self-Reliance and Dependency

  8. Relationships with Others