Rayner Teo

Rayner Teo

Formal First Name
1992 - present

Rayner Teo is a celebrated personality in the finance industry. He is an independent trader, ex-pop trader and founder of TradingwithRayner. Teo specializes in studying great research from experts, applies his findings to real-world trading, and shares them with his readers so they'll become consistent profitable traders. Rayner Teo aims to help traders beat the market by sharing practical trading strategies and techniques without hype or fluff. He is the most followed trader in Singapore with more than 100,000 traders reading his blog each month.

Rayner Teo's blog provides coverage on the following:

Here's what you can expect from Rayner Teo:

  • Practical trading strategies and techniques you can use in your trading today

  • The Ultimate Guide to Price Action Trading: How to "Decode" What the Markets are Telling You so You Can Identify High Probability Trading Setups Consistently — and Profitably   

  •  Access to our trading community so you can learn and interact with 30,000+ traders

  •  Invitation to live trading webinars so you can level up