Quick Hit Profits

Quick Hit Profits

Quick Hit Profits introduces a groundbreaking strategy that takes out the guesswork and informs subscribers if and when a stock will move in the wake of an earnings announcement. This profit trigger reduces risk to the absolute minimum, yet it still enables you to grow your wealth much faster than an ordinary buy-and-hold strategy. Ultimately, this market-beating approach guides you on how to profit on your investments throughout the earnings season.


Model Portfolio

An online portfolio graph that maps out all current positions, their options symbol, buy price, current price, close price, and total gain percentage.

24/7 Website Access

You’ll have an exclusive login and password to an encrypted website, where you can access every update, every special alert, the entire model portfolio, and more.

Text Alert Option

Any time Shoop issues a trade alert, you will immediately receive a text so you have the chance to take action as soon as possible.

Weekly Email Updates

Shoop keeps track of all current positions and releases weekly email updates on what is going on with a company’s earnings drifts.

Trade Alerts

Every time the system signals the start of a new drift, the Quick Hit Profits team will send you a quick, concise email alert giving you everything you need to take advantage of the opportunity. 

Quick Hit Profits Trading Guide

This concise yet invaluable guide is your map to getting the most out of the Quick Hit Profits It reveals even more details on how and why the earnings drift phenomenon works. 

12-Minute Options Trading Tutorial

Like the title states, in 12 minutes, you will learn how to place your first trade, even if you’re brand-new to options.

Quarterly Video Mailbags

In these, Shoop answers all your questions about this service.