Strategic Trader

Strategic Trader

Parent Entity

Strategic Trader is a top notch research service turning volatility in the options market to your advantage. By focusing on trends under the radar, Strategic Trader finds unique trades that deliver steady, reliable streams of income to your account. It utilizes proprietary, proven screens to identify the finest options with the highest potential returns and lowest possible risks for current market conditions. This income trading service has an unmatched track record of success, hitting 112 straight winners and counting, without a single loss.


Weekly Strategic Trader Instant Income Recommendations

Expect between one and three new income trade recommendations per week. Each one gives you the opportunity to pull hundreds of dollars out of the market and into your account, in about 3 minutes or less. You’ll also receive recommended position updates as needed.

FREE SPECIAL REPORT: The Quick-Start Guide to Making $100s a Week with Income Trading

It will take you only about 15 minutes or so to read this report and learn everything you’ll need to get started right away, including how to set up your brokerage account to sell options, and much more.

The Wednesday Strategic Trader Weekly Webinar

Every Wednesday, tune in to our weekly educational webinar. You’ll get the latest on what we’re seeing in the market that week, any new trade setups, and answer the most pressing reader questions about our instant income strategy.

Strategic Trader’s Library of Educational Courses and Resources

We have every single resource you need to learn exactly how to use this instant income trading strategy as often as you like. You’ll have access to our Options Video Courses, the complete archive of Special Reports, how to use this strategy in a retirement account, the full details on a second “trading-for-income” technique you can start using right away, and much, much more.

Unlimited 24/7 access to the Strategic Trader private members-only website

You’ll find our complete recommended trade list, trade alerts, weekly updates, webinar replays, and more.