Kris Sidial is Co-Chief Investment Officer at The Ambrus Group, a volatility arbitrage-focused firm dedicated to statistical outliers in the U.S. equity space. His funds’ primary objective is to make outsized returns in the event of a market crash, and therefore serves as a portfolio hedge for investors with heavily weighted long exposure. Sidial is a seasoned derivatives trader with a rich history in the volatility space. He brings a unique blend of trading experience, having traded all three main areas, prop, buy-side, and sell-side, throughout his career on Wall Street. Prior to Ambrus, he spent nearly 4 years as a part of the trading team at one of the largest Canadian investment banks in North America, BMO Capital Markets, where he was a part of the exotic derivatives and listed options trading team.
Kris Sidial Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Sidial leads the firm in providing a variety of quantitative and discretionary techniques to identify and trade mispricings.
The Ambrus Group has a strong track record of performance. The firm has also been able to weather market downturns relatively well.
The firm is known for its sophisticated trading strategies and its strong risk management culture.
For him, trading and risk management is a passion.
He began his career under the wing of the legendary CBOE trader, Robert Kanter, laying a solid foundation in volatility trading.
He further honed his skills as a proprietary trader at both Xanthus Capital and Chimera Securities.
Sidial has been profiled by many large media outlets, including Bloomberg and Business Insider.
He has been featured or interviewed in CNBC, Blockworks, Forbes, Nasdaq, and more.
He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.