Michael Prendiville is the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of JellyC, a leading Australian digital asset management firm. Prendiville has extensive experience in the investment management industry. He is also the Founder and Fund Manager of TAF Capital, a wholesale digital fund trustee, and former Founder of the ABE Fund, a global macro hedge fund specializing in currencies and fixed income.
Michael Prendiville Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Strategic Advisor, UWA Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Research Center
Council Member, Iona Presentation College
Prendiville was the Founder of The ABE Fund, a global macro hedge fund specializing in currencies and fixed income.
He worked on strategic risk enhancement at Standard Chartered and was Head of Proprietary Trading at ANZ.
Prendiville has been featured or quoted in Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance, Binance, and Real Vision.