The Little Book of Market Wizards

The Little Book of Market Wizards

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The Little Book of Market Wizards: Lessons from the Greatest Traders

The Little Book of Market Wizards is an accessible look at the art of investing and how to adopt the practices of top professionals. The book delves into the mindset and processes of highly successful traders, providing insights that all traders should find helpful in improving their trading skills and results. Stepping clearly outside the narrow confines of most investment books, The Little Book of Market Wizards focuses on the value of understanding one's self within the context of successful investing.

Praise for The Little Book of Market Wizards

"Jack Schwager has written some of the classics in the investment field and this latest may be the best of them all. His books were very influential on me as a young trader. I still reread them today for reminders of hard-learned lessons and also for new inspiration. Schwager's ability to coax the best traders into revealing their methods is legendary and this Little book distills these lessons into a thorough, organized, and fascinating set of lessons that I will be giving to every aspiring trader I know."

Colm O'Shea, Founding Partner and CIO, COMAC Capital LLP

"Jack Schwager has done it again. His Little Book is insightful, enlightening, and ultimately invaluable."

Joel Greenblatt, Managing Principal, Gotham Asset Management; author of The Little Book that Beats the Market

"In his Little Book of Market Wizards, Jack Schwager presents the essence of trading as a series of colorful anecdotes that get right to the point and stay with you."

Ed Seykota

"No author―living or deceased―has created such a rich archive of printed material on the profession of market speculation as has Jack Schwager. An entire generation of speculators owes a debt to the market Wizards series and to Jack for at least some portion of its success. The Little Book of market Wizards brings remarkably new dimensions that only Jack Schwager could tease out of his extensive interviews with the trading greats."

Peter L. Brandt, trader, from the Foreword