The Great Degeneration

The Great Degeneration

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The Great Degeneration: How Institutions Decay and Economies Die

The Great Degeneration is a searching and provocative examination of the widespread institutional rot that threatens our collective future. With characteristic verve and historical insight, this book analyzes the causes of this stagnation and its profound consequences for the future of the West. This book is an incisive indictment of an era of negligence and complacency. The Great Degeneration warns that it will take heroic leadership and radical reform to arrest the breakdown of our civilization.

Praise for The Great Degeneration

“[Ferguson’s] intellectual virtuosity is refreshing. ’The Great Degeneration’ won't be popular in the Obama White House or other centers of power. Jeremiah wasn't popular with the elders of Judea either. They tossed him in jail for his sedition. They had reason later to be sorry.”

The Wall Street Journal

"Brilliantly written, full of wit and virtuosity, stuffed with memorable lines and gorgeous bits of information. A great read."

The Times

"A dazzling history of Western ideas. Epic."

The Economist

"A masterpiece ... fascinating facts burst like fireworks on every page."

Sunday Times