The New American Economy

The New American Economy

Full Name
The New American Economy: The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward

Marshaling compelling history and economics, The New American Economy explains how economic theories that may be perfectly valid at one moment in time under one set of circumstances tend to lose validity over time because they are misapplied under different circumstances. This book makes a compelling, historically-based case for large tax increases. It seeks to clarify a compelling and way forward for the American economy.

Praise for The New American Economy 

Bruce Bartlett is a rarity in Washington, an honest man. In The New American Economy, Bartlett combines an informed insider's knowledge and an economic historian's perspective to create a compelling explanation of where supply side economics came from and what went wrong with Reaganomics.”

David Cay Johnston, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Free Lunch and Perfectly Legal

Bruce Bartlett is right. The welfare state isn't disappearing. And if Republicans continue to try to roll it back by using tax cuts to "starve the beast" or trying to privatize Social Security and Medicare, they're history. Wise thoughts from one of the creators of Reaganomics who has seen the light.”

Robert Reich, Former U.S. Secretary of Labor, Professor of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley

“Among today's conservatives, only Bruce Bartlett would have the courage and unconventionality to embrace John Maynard Keynes, much less to champion a big new tax. But here's the thing: he's right. Anyone seeking a new way forward for conservatism or the economy needs to start here.”

Jonathan Rauch, National Journal

Bruce Bartlett, who took the measure of President Bush in his New York Times bestseller, Impostor, has written another highly useful winner: The New American Economy. In this short, tough-minded and often amusing book, he lays out what the Obama Administration is doing to the Economy and tells why it will work.”

Richard Whalen, Senior policy adviser to Ronald Reagan and author of The Founding Father: The Story of Joseph P. Kennedy

“Bartlett is the rarest of all creatures: an honest conservative economist. He was one of the original supply-siders in the Reagan administration. However, he pursued it as economic policy, not a religion, which meant that he changed his views when things did not turn out exactly as planned. Readers of all political perspectives will find this book valuable. It is a serious account of the economic history of the post-World War II era and provides thoughtful prescriptions on the way forWard.”

Dean Baker, Co-Director, Center for Economic and Policy Research

Bruce Bartlett is something rare and admirable: a brave and intellectually honest man. He understands that the truth is rarely pure and never simple. An erstwhile protagonist of supply-side economics, a supporter of Ronald Reagan and darling of the conservatives, he explains here why the economics of Keynes is, yet again, relevant and why the US will need extra tax revenue if it is to finance the rapidly growing burden of entitlement spending. Whether US conservatives like it or not, what the American people resolutely defend will have to be financed, . The answer, he argues, is a value added tax. He is right. Every serious analyst must know it.”

Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times

“In this remarkable book, Bruce Bartlett attempts two daunting, even heroic tasks. The first is to persuade conservatives that John Maynard Keynes was actually one of them - a true conservative who saw that to manage the capitalist system was the price of protecting it, against the socialist challenge. The second is to persuade Republicans that their future lies with finally accepting the welfare state, financed, in keeping with supply- side principles, through a consumption tax. Bartlett here injects fresh thought into Reagan's legacy, and American politics will be much more civilized, and possibly also more competitive, if he succeeds.”

James K. Galbraith, professor economics, University of Texas at Austin and author, The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too

“Do yourself a favor and read Bruce's new book. And know that Bruce is one of those conservatives who actually put principle over access to power. If you're a liberal looking for a real conservative to debate and read, you won't go far wrong with Bruce.”

― Andrew Sullivan, The Atlantic

“Bartlett offers the valuable perspective of a real inside witness . . . he is, moreover, a good economic historian and provides a well-documented summary of the last 80 years of American macroeconomics.”

The American Conservative

“It is a significant work for any serious student of economics and perhaps the best general reference for anyone wanting a sober retrospectivecon the Keynesian phenomecon.”

Library Journal

“Bartlett has had to concede the unpopular view that higher taxes will be inevitable, and makes the case that a value added tax (VAT), something like a national sales tax, maybe the only way to generate the revenue that will be required to keep this ship afloat.”

― Booklist