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Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy

Impostor is a political book that lays bare the incompetence and profligacy of Bush’s economic policies. Reagan combined his tax cuts with fiscal restraint, but Bush has done the opposite. This book proves that Bush is not a Reaganite at all, but an unprincipled opportunist who will do whatever he or his advisers think is expedient to buy votes. This sober, thorough, and utterly devastating book attacks the Bush Administration's economic performance root and branch, from the "stovepiping" of its policy process to the coercive tactics used to ram its policies through Congress, to the effects of the policies themselves.

Praise for Impostor

Bruce Bartlett is no impostor. He’s the real thing – a reality-based conservative who searches for supportable truths and then speaks them loudly and clearly. How refreshing, and old fashioned, and courageous. May his lot increase.”

Ron Suskind, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Price of Loyalty

Bruce Bartlett has long been one of Washington’s most searching, thoughtful, and uncompromisingly candid economic analysts. That’s a view shared not only by those who agree with him, but also by people like me, who differ with him about 80 percent of the time. This book is a perfect reflection of Bruce’s gifts: he cares far more about being honest and consistent than about following anyone’s party line. It will shape our political discussion into 2008.”

E. J. Dionne Jr., author of Stand Up Fight Back and Why Americans Hate Politics

“While I don't agree with Bruce Bartlett very often, he is always worth paying attention to. Bartlett's loyalty is to his conservative ideas, not to the Republican Party. That loyalty has not come cheaply. Bartlett lost his job in order to write this book. The least you can do is read it.”

Jonathan Chait, senior editor at The New Republic and columnist for the Los Angeles Times