The Courage to be Rich

The Courage to be Rich

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The Courage to be Rich: Creating a Life of Material and Spiritual Abundance

The Courage to Be Rich inspires readers to find the courage to start over in these changing times and realize their true potential for material and spiritual wealth—even in today’s challenging economic climate. With new information that pertains to recent changes in tax laws and how they affect IRAs, this book addresses the financial issues and milestones we face throughout our lives. Practical, spiritual, and above all, soundly financial, The Courage to Be Rich is a book for today’s challenging times.

The Courage to be Rich details how to:

  • Find the courage to endure financial setbacks and overcome feelings of shame, fear, or anger about money
  • Keep money safe in a weak economy
  • Speak the language of wealth rather than the language of poverty
  • Break debilitating patterns that keep you from having more and being more
  • Protect your life against the financial "what-ifs"
  • Start over from nothing
  • Use your home to secure your retirement years
  • Prepare safely and wisely for the future
  • Bring together the laws of wealth with the laws of life