Made in the USA

Made in the USA

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Made in the USA: The Rise and Retreat of American Manufacturing

Made in the USA powerfully rebuts the notion that manufacturing is a relic of pre-digital history and that the loss of American manufacturing is a desirable evolutionary step toward a pure service economy. This book proves that no advanced economy can prosper without a strong, innovative manufacturing sector and the jobs it creates. It assesses various suggestions for solving America's manufacturing crisis, including lowering corporate tax rates, promoting research and development, and improving public education.

"Vaclav Smil is one of our time's most insightful, thorough, and prolific analysts on the history and state of technology, humanity, and industry. Every book Smil has written has made an important contribution, but none may be more important, more timely than Made in the USA. Smil's fascinating and lucid exploration of the history and state of manufacturing in America comes at a critical time and should be the starting point for any discussion about the future for the USA."

Mark P. Mills, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute