Issues on My Mind

Issues on My Mind

Full Name
Issues on My Mind: Strategies for the Future

Issues on My Mind offers solutions on how to govern more effectively and get the United States economy back on track. It introduces ways on how to take advantage of new opportunities in the energy field, combat the use of addictive drugs, apply a strategic overview to diplomacy, and identify necessary steps to achieve a world without nuclear weapons. It proposes a how-to approach to the major challenges facing the United States and the world. Issues on My Mind helps put our house in order and reestablish the leadership that has served our nation and the world so well in the past. Shultz explains how to put our fiscal house in order so that we can once again enjoy a vibrant economy.

  • Issues on My Mind contains some of George Shultz's most compelling analyses on the topics of governance, the economy, energy, drugs, diplomacy, and nuclear security.

  • Shultz identifies proven ideas for effective diplomacy and reveals how we can get better control of nuclear weapons and take the necessary steps to achieve their eventual elimination.

Table of Contents

Foreword. Henry A. Kissinger


  1. Our Challenges: The world is awash in change

  2. Better Governance: What's wrong with governance today and how can we fix this essential process?

  3. Return to a Vibrant Economy: Our Economy has lost its drive. The reasons-and the solutions-are clear. Here's how we can have a vibrant Economy once again

  4. A Better Energy Future: How can we take advantage of new opportunities?

  5. Drugs: The War with No Winner: Forty years of the failed War on drugs should be enough to stimulate debate on alternative approaches to this serious problem

  6. Effective Diplomacy Applied to Issues of Foreign Policy: Proven ideas for effective diplomacy should be applied with a strategic overview that gives direction to the tactics of the day

  7. Toward a World Without Nuclear Weapons We must get better control of nuclear weapons and identify the steps needed to achieve the goal of their eventual elimination

  8. Final Reflections
