Political Economy of Tomorrow

Political Economy of Tomorrow


Tracing the path of the American and global economy over the twentieth century, Political Economy of Tomorrow shows that the most significant problems of the economic system arise not from capitalism's weaknesses, but its strengths. By showing how changing social relationships construct a new motor for our economic engine and a new accommodation to the surplus, Political Economy of Tomorrow offers compelling arguments for what lies ahead for society in advanced capitalist countries.

Praise for Political Economy of Tomorrow

"Marc Chandler delivers the rare jewel that links our post-crisis reality to economic history. Political Economy of Tomorrow is a must-read for fossils wedded to old economics. More so, this book is a must-read for those younger folks who have never enjoyed a certain belief in the economic stars in their sky."

Tom Keene, Host of Bloomberg's "Surveillance" on TV and radio

"A masterly account of the tectonic shifts that shape our economic, social, and political future. At a time of great change and political upheaval, a book that offers perspective, direction, and hope."

Zoltan Pozsar, FID Global Strategy and Economics

"In Political Economy of Tomorrow, Marc Chandler tackles several of the critical societal issues of our day. In first laying out his understanding of our post-WWII global Political Economy and then providing us an especially insightful framework for what might be, Marc presents a piece that is at once smart, thoughtful, and provocative. A must-read."

Bill Lipschutz, CIO of Hathersage Capital Management

"I have known Marc for many years, and what strikes me about him is how much of an original thinker he is, his ability to connect the dots most people don't see, and his broad vision of the world most people don't have. This book is one more example of his intellectual brilliance."

Sylvia Brasil Coutinho, CEO UBS Bank Brazil

"Marc Chandler's The Political Economy of Tomorrow is a masterful summary of the political and economic tides that constantly reshape our investment horizons. A "must-read" for global investors and policymakers."

Suzanne Bishopric, Managing Partner, Global Sovereign Advisors

"Regardless of the reader's background, there is plenty of thoughtful, relevant, and forward-looking material in this book. Chandler puts the idea of surplus capital into historical context, showing that the post-2008 environment is far from new. Ergo, the political economy calculus also is far from new. The book also provides an excellent roadmap to understanding whether or not policymakers are meeting the challenges posed by the success of capitalism."

David Abramson, former Head of Research and Managing Editor at BCA Research, lecturer in economics and international finance at McGill University