The Passion Economy

The Passion Economy

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The Passion Economy: The New Rules for Thriving in the Twenty-First Century

The Passion Economy explains our current economy—laying out its internal logic and revealing the transformative hope it offers for millions of people to thrive as they never have before. It introduces the twenty-first-century economic paradigm that offers new ways of making money, fresh paths toward professional fulfillment, and unprecedented opportunities for curious, ambitious individuals to combine the things they love with their careers. It demonstrates how the twentieth-century economy of scale has given way in this century to an economy of passion. The Passion Economy delineates the ground rules of the new economy, and armed with these, we begin to see how we can succeed in it according to its own terms. An indispensable road map and a refreshingly optimistic take on our economic future.

“[Davidson’s] anecdotes are captivating with shrewd lessons on management, marketing, and strategy. . .  Readers with a start-up yen will find useful and inspiring insights here.”

— Publishers Weekly

The Passion Economy is exactly what everyone needs today: examples of how to thrive in an economy that can seem overwhelming and crystal-clear explanations of how to succeed. The book is an enormously fun, exciting adventure story that takes us from the wineries of Napa to the laboratories of Google to far-off chocolate makers. This is the book about how to live (and work) a more passionate life.”

— Charles Duhigg, bestselling author of The Power of Habit and Smarter Faster Better


"Adam Davidson is one of America’s most accomplished business journalists — and this book reminds us why.  With a reporter’s eye and a storyteller’s grace, he has traveled the country to find regular people who have cracked the code of the modern economy. Reading their stories will reveal the secrets of successful careers. It might even restore your faith in the American Dream."

— Daniel H. Pink, author of When and Drive


“Move over Malcolm Gladwell. In The Passion Economy Adam Davidson upends the conventional thinking about how to succeed in our topsy-turvy, seemingly unforgiving post-industrial economy by sharing the stories of regular people who followed their dreams. You won't soon forget the wisdom Davidson conveys in these pages.”

— William D. Cohan, author of House of Cards

“I love Adam Davidson’s book. This is the golden moment for the marriage of passion and excellence, a time for optimism, not pessimism. The opportunity to create great businesses you love and which your customers come to love lies around every corner. The heart of every economy is small enterprise, not large. We have waited a long time for this book, and brother does it deliver. Bravo!”

— Tom Peters, author of The Excellence Dividend