The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior and the New Science of Socionomics

The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior and the New Science of Socionomics


The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior and the New Science of Socionomics shows you how history unfolds not randomly or in cycles but as form-driven fractal waves. This book proposes a new science called socionomics. It's the study of how humans interact, and how that interaction determines the course of the economy, culture, and history. The purpose of this book is to establish the idea that in humans, an unconscious herding impulse drives social mood trends and changes that are specifically patterned according to a natural growth principle and which in turn is the engine of cultural expression and social action.

“This is unquestionably a ground-breaking work whose audacious arguments can only be described as stunning and revolutionary in intent and scope. These far-reaching hypotheses are a testament to Prechter’s unequaled ability to weave together emerging evidence into a stunning new model. After reviewing my not inconsiderable library of key political science books, I am unable to find any books that are as sweepingly important and have the same potential to bring about a paradigm shift in the study of social events.” 
Roman Franko, PhD; Comparative Politics; market analyst for the National Post and Dundee Securities; former lecturer, Queen’s University; contributor, Canadian Securities Institute’s Technical Analysis course; member, Canadian Society of Technical analysts

“I love this theory. Socionomics is sure to be a primary reference source for quite some time. The volume and value of analysis that Prechter has conducted is something hard to over-appreciate. There should be university courses and degrees in the science of Socionomics and perhaps Nobel Prize winners as well. I recommend many readings of the book to appreciate it in depth.” 
Professor Valeri Safonov, PhD; Social Psychology, BA Mathematics and Systems Analysis; lecturer, Moscow College of Economics & Linguistics and the Institute of Economics and Culture; former First Secretary of Ministry of External Affairs of USSR and economist with the Russian Embassies in Canada and India


“A masterpiece of intelligence and ingenuity. Socionomics-grounded thinking will take us over a whole new conceptual threshold in understanding how human sociological and psychological processes are embedded in the behavior of large-scale cultural phenomena.” 
Larry R. Vandervert, PhDfounder, the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences; founder, American Nonlinear Systems; Fellow, American Psychological Association; contributor, Journal of Mind and Behavior, CyberEducation: The Future of Long Distance Learning and The International Handbook on Innovation

“With The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior and the New Science of Socionomics, Prechter has moved Elliott’s work to a higher level.” 
George SchadeMarket Technicians Association