It's Not About the Money

It's Not About the Money

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It's Not About the Money: A Financial Game Plan for Staying Safe, Sane, and Calm in Any Economy

It's Not About the Money is your one-stop financial guide. It includes ten new tips to survive any economy. You will learn how to overhaul your investment portfolio to thrive in good times and bad and uncover the roots of your bad financial decisions. Ultimately, with It's Not About the Money, you will discover how much is enough for you and find peace of mind in any financial situation.

Praise for It's Not About the Money

“This magnificent book will show you how to get your ego out of the way so you can align your financial decisions with your heart and soul.”

Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Lead Like Jesus


“Kessel has a unique perspective on money. He is able to open people’s eyes to the financial world and at the same time show them how to look inward for value. Anyone who wants to not only be rich but lead a rich life should read this book.”

Thomas M. Kostigen, Dow Jones’ MarketWatch columnist and author of What Money Really Means


Brent Kessel combines some of the most sophisticated knowledge of financial planning and investment strategies with a sincere and grounded practice in the meditation arts. By reading this book, people will benefit in ways they never imagined possible. I highly recommend his work.”

George Kinder, author of The Seven Stages of Money Maturity


"This book does a beautiful job of helping us make peace with money and our relationship to it. I highly and enthusiastically recommended It’s Not About the money for anyone with any amount of money!”

Liz Pulliam Weston, nationally syndicated personal finance columnist, MSN Money Expert, and author of Your Credit Score and Deal with Your Debt


Brent Kessel is one of the most thoughtful, thorough, and knowledgeable investment professionals that I’ve met. His advice on blending the personal and financial aspects of life has served him well in doing an outstanding job for his clients.”

Jim O’Shaughnessy, author of What Works on Wall Street and How to Retire Rich


“It’s rare that a book on personal finance succeeds equally well on both sides of the coin. Brent Kessel has pulled it off. This is one that’s rich in solid, practical advice—but not at the expense of the human spirit.

Lee Eisenberg, author of The Number: A Completely Different Way To Think About the Rest of Your Life


Brent Kessel will change your relationship with money in a way that may also enhance the richness of your life.”

Tom Bradley, President, TD AMERITRADE Institutional


"Kessel offers holistic financial advice in Buddhist-influenced debut promising both a better financial strategy and greater fulfillment and happiness."

Publishers Weekly