Freedom or Equality

Freedom or Equality

Full Name
Freedom or Equality: The Key to Prosperity Through Social Capitalism

Freedom or Equality introduces a straightforward, modern, and comprehensive approach to our economy that encourages saving, investment, and innovation. The next decades will present numerous challenges: exponentially accelerating technology and the use of robots, an aging population, repressive taxation, and the sustainability of education and health care costs. Freedom or Equality addresses those challenges while presenting a fresh examination of Social Capitalism—a moderate option between extreme solutions of all sorts that can deliver superior growth and prosperity worldwide.



  • Chapter 1: How We Got Here

  • Chapter 2: Social Capitalism Defined

  • Chapter 3: Toward a Collaborative Economy

  • Chapter 4: It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time

  • Chapter 5: Magic Solutions Don't Work

  • Chapter 6: Protectionism-Self-Protection That Only Harms You More

  • Chapter 7: Prosperity, Not Equality: Why Capitalism is More Social than Interventionism

  • Chapter 8: Why Price and Profit are Essential to Increase Welfare

  • Chapter 9: The Workings of Social Capitalism

  • Chapter 10: The Budget of Social Capitalism

  • Chapter 11: The Results - Freedom is Better Than Enforced Equality

  • Chapter 12: Our Children and Grandchildren Will Live Better Than Us - The Moral Case For Social Capitalism

Epilogue: The New Capitalist Mentality and a Brighter Future

Appendix and Further Reading


About the Author