Predatory Value Extraction

Predatory Value Extraction

Full Name
Predatory Value Extraction: How the Looting of the Business Enterprise Became the US Norm and How Sustainable Prosperity Can Be Restored

Predatory Value Extraction focuses on the growing imbalance between value creation and value extraction in the United States economy, and the corporate-governance institutions that determine this balance in the nation's major business corporations. When certain economic actors are able to assert their power to extract far more value than they contribute to the value-creation process, an imbalance occurs. This book not only explores these economic, political, and social consequences but also sets out an agenda for restoring sustainable prosperity.

It explains how Maximizing shareholder value (MSV), an ideology of corporate resource allocation that emerged in the 1980s came to dominate strategic thinking in business schools and corporate boardrooms in the United States. Undermining the social foundations of sustainable prosperity, it resulted in employment instability, income inequity, and slow productivity growth